Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Score | The Tinnitus Clinic

Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) Score

Answer the questions to get your score

INSTRUCTIONS: The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify difficulties that you may be experiencing because of your tinnitus. Please answer every question. Please do not skip any questions.

1 Because of your tinnitus, is it difficult for you to concentrate?
2 Does the loudness of your tinnitus make it difficult for you to hear people?
3Does your tinnitus make you angry?
4Does your tinnitus make you feel confused?
5Because of your tinnitus, do you feel desperate?
6Do you complain a great deal about your tinnitus?
7Because of your tinnitus, do you have trouble falling to sleep at night?
8Do you feel as though you cannot escape your tinnitus?
9Does your tinnitus interfere with your ability to enjoy your social activities (such as going out to dinner, to the movies)?
10Because of your tinnitus, do you feel frustrated?
11Because of your tinnitus, do you feel that you have a terrible disease?
12Does your tinnitus make it difficult for you to enjoy life?
13Does your tinnitus interfere with your job or household responsibilities?
14Because of your tinnitus, do you find that you are often irritable?
15Because of your tinnitus, is it difficult for you to read?
16Does your tinnitus make you upset?
17Do you feel that your tinnitus problem has placed stress on your relationships with members of your family and friends?
18Do you find it difficult to focus your attention away from your tinnitus and on other things?
19Do you feel that you have no control over your tinnitus?
20Because of your tinnitus, do you often feel tired?
21Because of your tinnitus, do you feel depressed?
22Does your tinnitus make you feel anxious?
23Do you feel that you can no longer cope with your tinnitus?
24Does your tinnitus get worse when you are under stress?
25Does your tinnitus make you feel insecure?

Your score is 0

Grade Score Description
1 0-16 Slight: Only heard in quiet environment, very easily masked. No interference with sleep or daily activities.
2 18-36 Mild: Easily masked by environmental sounds and easily forgotten with activities. May occasionally interfere with sleep but not daily activities.
3 38-56 Moderate: May be noticed, even in the presence of background or environmental noise, although daily activities may still be performed.
4 58-76 Severe: Almost always heard, rarely, if ever, masked. Leads to disturbed sleep pattern and can interfere with ability to carry out normal daily activities. Quiet activities affected adversely.
5 78-100 Catastrophic: Always heard, disturbed sleep patterns, difficulty with any activity.
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Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Score

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