Earwax removal | The Tinnitus Clinic

Earwax Removal

Symptoms of earwax build-up include: hearing loss, earache or a feeling that your ears are blocked, ringing or buzzing in your ears (tinnitus), vertigo (feeling dizzy and sick)


What is earwax?

Earwax is a naturally occurring substance which helps protect the ear by preventing dust and other foreign particles from reaching the eardrum where they could cause damage.

Why does earwax build up?

Earwax build up can occur when you have:

  • narrow or damaged ear canals;
  • lots of hair in your ear canals;
  • a skin condition affecting your scalp or around your ear;
  • inflammation of your ear canal (otitis externa or "swimmer's ear").

Earwax removal

When earwax does not fall out of its own accord you can try to remove it yourself with olive or almond oil. See the NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/earwax-build-up/ for instructions. For more persistant ear wax microsuction performed by one of our audiologists will remove all earwax.

Earwax removal using microsuction

Available at our Manchester and Stirling clinics

Microsuction is one of the safest methods to clean the ear and is the recommended method of earwax removal according to NICE guidelines. During your appointment at The Tinnitus and Hearing Clinic your audiologist can visualise you ear canal using optical loupes thus providing a clear and magnified view of any wax or debris. A suction device is used to clean the ear without using any water.

The gentle suction device works in a similar way to a vacuum cleaner, and although it can be a little noisy, it is quick and usually painless. If the object is hard, a removal can be slightly uncomfortable. The person doing your procedure will always tell you if it’s going to be uncomfortable.

Microsuction can be less uncomfortable if a wax-softening spray is used for 2 nights before, and on the morning of, the appointment. You can buy a wax-softening spray, such as an oil-based (emollient) spray, at your local pharmacy.

For patients with hyperacusis (sound sensitivity) we would still recommend microsuction as method, however, this procedure would be best executed by a consultant grade ENT surgeon as the debris may need to be removed manually if microsuction is not well tolerated.

ear wax microsuction
ear wax irrigation

Earwax removal using ear irrigation

Available at our Manchester and Stirling clinics

Ear irrigation is a gentle technique that uses lukewarm water and a syringe to dislodge and flush out excess ear wax. This procedure is designed to flush out excess wax hence provide relief from ear-related discomfort thereby enhance your hearing.

Initially your audiologist will look inside the ear using an instrument called an otoscope to confirm that there is a wax buildup. If there is a wax buildup then a syringe will be used to insert water, saline (salty water) to flush out the wax.