What Does Tinnitus Sound Like? | The Tinnitus Clinic

What Does Tinnitus Sound Like?

Roaring, buzzing, hissing, whizzing noise or occasional ringing and whistling; only at The Tinnitus Clinic can you receive treatment based on evidence for any of these

If you are hearing any of these sounds in your head but there is no external source for the sounds then you may have tinnitus.

15% of adults in the UK have tinnitus and for some people they learn to live with it and don’t seek treatments. But for thousands of people the sounds are a constant irritant.

The Tinnitus Clinic is here for you, helping you to find a solution which reduces the impact of your tinnitus

Listen to the tinnitus sounds below and when you have chosen the one that matches your tinnitus most accurately, tick the box and see what treatment options are available for you at the Tinnitus Clinic. A full tinnitus assessment is needed to provide your personalised treatment package and ensure you have no underlying health issues which need treating first.

4000 Hz Tone

Tonal tinnitus often responds well to a range of targeted treatment options such as Cognitive, Desensitisation and Lenire therapy options.

At The Tinnitus Clinic we’ve helped hundreds of tinnitus sufferers to get back to a normal life. If you’d like to find out about an assessment for one of our treatment programmes fill in the form


Or find out more about tinnitus

7500 Hz Tone

Tonal tinnitus often responds well to a range of targeted treatment options such as Cognitive, Desensitisation and Lenire therapy options.

At The Tinnitus Clinic we’ve helped hundreds of tinnitus sufferers to get back to a normal life. If you’d like to find out about an assessment for one of our treatment programmes fill in the form


Or find out more about tinnitus

Tea Kettle

Tonal tinnitus often responds well to a range of targeted treatment options such as Cognitive, Desensitisation and Lenire therapy options.

At The Tinnitus Clinic we’ve helped hundreds of tinnitus sufferers to get back to a normal life. If you’d like to find out about an assessment for one of our treatment programmes fill in the form


Or find out more about tinnitus

Buzzing or Cicada

Atonal tinnitus often responds well to a range of targeted treatment options such as Cognitive, Desensitisation and Lenire therapy options.

At The Tinnitus Clinic we’ve helped hundreds of tinnitus sufferers to get back to a normal life. If you’d like to find out about an assessment for one of our treatment programmes fill in the form


Or find out more about tinnitus


Atonal tinnitus often responds well to a range of targeted treatment options such as Cognitive, Desensitisation and Lenire therapy options.

At The Tinnitus Clinic we’ve helped hundreds of tinnitus sufferers to get back to a normal life. If you’d like to find out about an assessment for one of our treatment programmes fill in the form


Or find out more about tinnitus


Atonal tinnitus often responds well to a range of targeted treatment options such as Cognitive, Desensitisation and Lenire therapy options.

At The Tinnitus Clinic we’ve helped hundreds of tinnitus sufferers to get back to a normal life. If you’d like to find out about an assessment for one of our treatment programmes fill in the form


Or find out more about tinnitus


Atonal tinnitus often responds well to a range of targeted treatment options such as Cognitive, Desensitisation and Lenire therapy options.

At The Tinnitus Clinic we’ve helped hundreds of tinnitus sufferers to get back to a normal life. If you’d like to find out about an assessment for one of our treatment programmes fill in the form


Or find out more about tinnitus


Atonal tinnitus often responds well to a range of targeted treatment options such as Cognitive, Desensitisation and Lenire therapy options.

At The Tinnitus Clinic we’ve helped hundreds of tinnitus sufferers to get back to a normal life. If you’d like to find out about an assessment for one of our treatment programmes fill in the form


Or find out more about tinnitus

“I’m back to sleeping normally and going out, socialising again.”

Janice Dyson – treated at our Manchester clinic

Clinically tested

Significant improvement after 7 months

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