The renowned hearing aid manufacturer Widex is in the process of commercialising a new type of hearing aid system that is specifically designed to help patients with tinnitus and milder hearing losses. Patients with mild hearing loss whose main complaint is tinnitus may benefit from amplification, in order to reduce their tinnitus perception, but often object to the sound quality of hearing aids.

The PureSound system by Widex can overcome the hurdle of poor sound quality. A significant number of patients who experience bothersome tinnitus also exhibit a mild, burden free, hearing loss with respect to their audiogram results. Aiding a mild hearing loss can be a beneficial element of a tinnitus therapy regime but the instruments can often sound “tinny” and a little distorted. The new PureSound system overcomes this problem by utilising a patented signal processing algorithm that dramatically reduces artifact “noise” from the hearing aid output. This should lead to a greater acceptability rate for users with burdensome tinnitus but burden free hearing loss. The system also has a variety of sound therapy features that audiologists can customise in order to provide enhanced control options with respect to a patient’s tinnitus perception.
The Tinnitus Clinic Ltd. will be trialling this system next month. Book an appointment to check your suitability.
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