Tom Johnson

“It was the first time in seventeen years that I have been able to relax fully knowing I can just plug these things in. The tinnitus doesn’t disappear completely, but it’s greatly reduced and I can count on it working almost always. I did notice that when I wasn’t wearing the devices my tinnitus had also abated quite a lot.”
Matthew Hood

“Sometimes if I am tired or a bit stressed with work or something then the ringing’s really loud… then I will just get the device and put it in my ear and give myself a bit of break. I can turn it up loud or quiet depending on how I feel and that makes me feel more in control.”
Leo McAuliffe

Leo McAuliffe, an 80-year old retired gentleman from Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, suffered from tinnitus for over ten years, until a new treatment – TDT – changed his life dramatically. Leo didn’t have any history of audiological issues but was exposed to a great deal of noise whilst motorcycle racing.
Astrid Pryce

Retired florist from Middlesex, Astrid Pryce first experienced tinnitus about four and a half years ago. “It didn’t start over night; it was a gradual thing. Six months previous to this, I’d looked down as I was getting out of the car and both of my ears went pop, like when a plane comes into land. It seemed quite strange. I held my nose and blew out, to try and clear my ears; both ears cleared but my right ear quickly blocked again and felt pressured. I kept trying but I couldn’t clear it.”
Keith Kemsley

Keith, a retired farmer from Kent, first noticed his tinnitus about three years ago. “It sounded like a very loud ringing in my left ear. Quite frankly, it destroyed my every day and night. There was no respite at all and it was so intrusive. I felt like I couldn’t look forward to anything at all.”
Mike Harding

Mike Harding is a retired Human Resources professional and lecturer from Manchester. He had experienced low-intensity tinnitus for approximately ten years, until recently, when it became far worse over night.
Richard Baines

Richard Baines is a 44-year old IT professional from Ossett, near Wakefield in West Yorkshire and received Tinnitus Desensitisation Therapy™ for high-frequency atonal tinnitus in both ears and an abnormal sensitivity to environmental noises.
Janice Dyson

Janice Dyson relief from Tinnitus “Now I am 80 per cent better. I can still hear the noise but it’s nowhere near as loud. I’m back to sleeping normally and going out, socialising again.”
Diana Willis

“It has been a year since I have been treated by Kathryn. My tinnitus is much better, it has definitely helped. It is more in the background than it ever used to be.”
Sue Hale

“I feel The Tinnitus Clinic is on my side – they understand what you are going through. This all makes me feel that I am in control, and the tinnitus is not in control of me. I owe a great deal to Kathryn and the rest of the team at The Tinnitus Clinic.”